Before the HBC and the North West Company joined in 1821 there were a lot of confrontations like in Peter Fidler's journal from Ile-a-la-Crosse (Sask.) in 1810-1811. I have put part of it here to show how business brings out the best in people [sarcasm]. As in Sutherland's journal "French", "Canadian" and "NWC" and "pedlar" are almost synonyms. The NWC has about 30 men, the HBC has about 10. The more complete version is here

June 15 1810
" Sent 5 men with the Boat"..."a Canadian Man & his woman accompanied our Men in an Indian Canoe to keep any Indians from having any Trade or even communication with as the very sight of a Canadian will effectively frighten them from speaking or even coming near us."

June 21 1810
" Our men came home"..."a Canadian man & his wife constantly attending them to prevent any Indians from having any connections with us we cannot stir any distance from the House but what we are constantly followed by the Rascals."

June 23 1810
" The Indians who went to the Canadian House yesterday all went away - at Dusk in the evening one of them came sly ly here walking Thro a wide swamp arm pit deep- being afraid to come here openly for fear of The Canadians, he comes for a little Credit for 4 men, he says that the Canadians locked them all up last night to prevent Their coming over to our House which they all very much wished. gave him but a very little Credit. He went away in the same sly way as he came, being greatly terrified for fear of seeing a Canadian."

July 2 1810
" Mr. Robert Henry the Canadian master"..." marked out a place for a house only 10 feet Distant from our Stockades to the North of our House"..." Their House before is not above 150 yds distant from ours & on the South side us."

They built the Watch house there that's mentioned Aug. 26. They also cleared the woods and brush all around so they could see anyone trying to enter or leave the HBC House.

July 3 1810
" I have been privately informed That Mr. McDonnel wrote to the Athapescew in Feb'y last to bring Mr. [Samuel] Black from thence to remain here, a person the best calculated I ever knew, to do any unjustifiable action- he is the same person who at the Athapescew in the winter & spring 1806 would not rest in the night, but kept nightly a constant watch to keep all Indians from coming to our house & who danced, sang & beat on our Dwelling House & alarmed & Disturbed every one within" ... "They are determined to drive us away from this place by harrafsing us & our people."

July 5 1810
" Mr Black goes about our house at almost all hours in the night hallowing Loud on purpose to disturb us exactly as he did at the Athapescow Lake"

July 6 1810
" Andrew Kirknefs woman, on some dispute with her Husband went over to the French House."

July 7 1810
" Self & Mr. Sutherland went over to the Canadian House to get Andrew Kirknefs woman to return again to him.- but she had been so much threatened by the Canadians that she was afraid to return as they told her that they would cut off her ears if she leaves them.- so she told him."

July 11 1810
"At Midnight Mr. Black shrieked twice very loud & disturbed every one of us within- he comes as near our Dwelling House as our Stockades will allow him."

July 12 1810
" Mr. Black hallowed twice very loud, one at the East Gate & then at the West Gate."

July 13 1810
" At 11 2/3 PM Mr. Black came to our East Gate & called loud 'You ought to keep your doors shut' - he then pafsed close along our Stockades to the West Gate & called ' Shut your Doors & keep out the Muskettoes' and afterwards 'If any one wishes to wrangle with me come out here I am'. Then gave two loud whoops & went away."

July 18 1810
" at 11PM Mr. Black went round our Stockades we set This Day & came up to our front Gates & hallowed loud & began cutting wood close at our Gates and alarmed & disturbed every body.- Joseph Heywood & Mr. Sutherland went out to desire him to keep quiet & let us sleep- he told them he would do as he liked & that he was fixed here for the exprefs purpose to prevent any Native whatever from entering our House & that they should pafs over his Belly before a single one should enter it.- He challenged all & said he would disturb us whenever he thought proper by hallowing, firing Guns & by & by we should hear him Dance & sing & every thing that he knew could disturb us."

July 21 1810
" at Midnight Mr Black hallowed several times loud & cut wood."

July 29 1810
" 3 Jepowyans in a Canoe went to the French House - We are so well guarded that not a single one durst venture near us & They well know that they will at the least get a very severe beating."

July 30 1810
" Early this morning Mr. Black hallowed loud on account we suppose of the Indians arriving yesterday"

July 31 1810
" Last night Mr. Black hallowed long & loud at the Front Gates & remained there a long while."

August 4 1810
Andrew Kirkness left the HBC and went over to the NWC to be with his wife.

Aug 6 1810
" As Andrew Kirknefs is now gone away who was our fisherman"..." I know nothing of net mending or setting- My woman undertakes it till our Boats arrive from Churchill factory."

August 26 1810
" Last night at 10 1/2 Mr. Black hallowed loud several times & then fired a Shot close to our House which awoke & alarmed us all. In the afternoon he snapped a Short Gun at Charley [Fidler's son] pointed straight for him Thro the South window in his Watch house and not above 12 yards from where the boy was - who was carrying into our yard a billet of Firewood."

Aug 28 1810
" Last night Mr. Black Danced & Jumped & hallowed several times near his Launch end to make our Dogs bark much & to disturb us."

Aug 30 1810
" One net we had standing at Landmans point was cut away in the night at one End, but fortunately we found it again by dragging. Sent over the rope to let Mr. Henry see it had been cut by some of his people."..." Mr. Black calling out at Night as usual tho rather lower- altho he made our dogs bark much."

Aug 31 1810
" we are now under the necefsity of setting all our Nets without Buoys- & drag for Them when we visit them- which tears them a good deal but we have now no other alternative- None of the Canadians are suffered to come near us with any News, They are all strictly watched by Mr. Black- They will come & stand at our Gates but not one durst venture in & they threaten to make them loose their wages- This we had from one we accidently met in the Woods."

Sept. 1 1810
" Not a single Canadian is allowed to visit us to give us the least European or other news"..."Three Canadian Clerks came 3 several times to our Gates & stood some time but would or durst not come in for fear of their Masters."

Sept. 7 1810
" In the Evening the free Canadian wife & son pafsed our House in a Canoe for berries- Mr Black immediately went after them & forced them to return Directly"

HBC men at Ile a La Crosse in Sept. 1810 (list written in the margin)
Peter Fidler
Andrew Flett
Joseph Heywood
John Loutit
William Sinclair
Edward Mowat
James Isbister
William Hourie?

Sept 12 1810
" Killed 2 Ducks near the house our men heard the Shots & ran home from the Woods, thinking the Canadians were shooting me"..." Mr. Black is now badly so that we are allowed to rest at night."

Oct 3 1810
" Just before Sun set Daze a Canadian half breed fired a Shot at Charley which struck the water not 2 yards from him, Wm. Houry saw it also."

Oct 4 1810
" Sent over the Boy Charley & Wm. Houry to ask Mr.[John Duncan] Campbell about the shot last night- he as might be expected of him knew nothing about the shot- Daze said that he did not know it was loaded with Ball."

Oct. 14 1810
" In the night or early this morning some of the Canadians had maliciously sawn in two the ribband which supports the Stockades put up on Friday & thrown 10 Stockades down into the Lake being 4 more than we had put up- In the afternoon found that the Canadians had taken away 3 piles of cut firewood."

Oct. 19 1810
" Mr. Black & ogden come close to our Launch where we take our fish ashore at night- which is very insulting as they say nothing but comes in a very Bravado manner."

Oct. 24 1810
" Mr. Black & ogden walked acrofs Our Yard in at the West & out at the East Gate armed. The latter carrying a chair the other opened our oven door & looked in- This is done to insult & harras us as everything They can imagine hurting to our feelings They do- knowing that the orkneymen are so timorous That they will allow Themselves to be imposed on in any manner- one alone against such numbers can do nothing."

Oct. 25 1810
" Mr. Black & ogden came to our Gates this morning & in the Evening they both came into our Yard at the East Gates to pafs thro it- Mr. Black with a loaded Gun & 2 Pistols & Ogden with his Dagger which they seldom carry but when They mean to insult us- I met them in the Yard & asked Mr. Black the reason why they pafsed thro our Yard, a thing never done before- till lately- he said he would make a common practice on account of our putting down the Stockades- I told them to return the same way they came & that they should not pafs thro our yard in the Insulting Manner They intended- I told one of our men to shut the West Gates- which was at last done- they perservered in pafsing when I struck Mr. Black with a stick two or 3 times- Ogden immediately drew his Dagger & cut 2 large holes in the side & back of my Coat & pricked my body but no further- Mr. Black then took up part of the stick I had broken over him & struck me on the Thumb close at the upper end of the Nail & smashed it to pieces- Ogden also struck me twice with a stick- All our men looking on the whole time without giving me any assistance- Mr. Black & ogden then followed me into my room with their Guns & Dagger & abused me very much whilst my Thumb was drefsing- They then went & opened the West Gate & went away saying that we all should lead a very miserable & unhappy winter."

Oct. 26 1810
" Got no sleep with the pain in my Broken Thumb it being made quite flatt."

Oct. 28 1810
" We have now cut 161 chords of firewood"

Nov. 2 1810
" A Canadian told us to take up our Nets or They would cut them to pieces."

Nov. 18 1810
" Mr. Black"..." came into my room on his return & abused & said every bad thing he could, That if I sent a Man after any Indians whatever This winter he would kill me- he then went into The Mens House & told them all that if any of them went after an Indian he would with The Canadians break their Legs"...

Nov.21 1810
" our fine Bitch is now very full of Pups Black kicked her in the Belly very hard on purpose to kill them. he stands at nothing."

Dec. 19 1810
" Thermometer -51 out Doors -27 in my bed place near the fire & +38 in our Cellar."

Dec. 24 1810
" At 7PM Wm Sinclair & Wm Henry returned from Green Lake with my Letters from England for these last 2 years."

Jan. 11 1811
" Sent James Isbister again on Partridge Hunting"..." Mr. Black & ogden lay by waiting him at Landmans point till he pafsed there- when he came there they both started up & Mr. Black went to our Man & knocked him Down by striking him in the face- he then jumped & trampled on his Gun"..."Mr. Black told him if he ever caught him again from the House he would break his arm- the man came home crying & told as above"

Jan. 22 1811
" Between 11 & 12 OClock at night Mr. Black & ogden came to our House and abused & threatened us all in the most awful manner- that they had taken up all our Rabbit snares That we should not be permitted to get any more Rabbits or Partridges & that should any of our Men go to the snares or a Distance from the House on any pretense whatever Their shall be bloody work, & that the Bull Dogs (meaning the Blackguard Canadians) had been chained all winter but was now let loose- that if we did not keep within doors we should not eat any more fresh fish This winter, & that if I sent any man to Campbell with a note of what they had now said They would burn him alive."

Feb. 21 1811
" In the afternoon 2 Jepowyans came in sight- Immediately 3 Canadians ran to meet them, to take any thing they had- one we saw carrying a hatchet as a weapon- 2 Escorted the 2 Indians to their House & the other went the way they came, to see if any others are coming that way, or whether they had hidden any thing- Mr. Black came to the Watch House then went along the shore & returned- Afterwards he & another man went thro the Wood Track within, perhaps expecting some might be coming sly ly thro the woods to our House- but there is very little chance of that as they watch us so constant & close. none can escape them."

Feb. 25 1811
" we are directed to leave this [Ile-a-La-Crosse] totally in the spring."

March 9 1811
" Gave Burrasah a half Canadian 1 pint Gunpowder 4 lbs of Ball & Shot 6 Flints 1 pint Salt & 2 Tobacco pipes on account of his very civil treatment to our Men when they went up Beaver river in the spring."

March 27 1811
" how very mortifying it is to us to see such loads of Furs and Provisions brot home by the Canadians and our men durst not stir from the House after any Indians for fear of having Their legs & arms broken by the Canadians."

March 29 1811
" Andrew Kirknefs told Wm Houry in the morning that he wished again to come into our Service"..." he says he is heartily tired of being where he is."

April 1 1811
" Andrew Kirknefs was seen in the woods by one of our men whom he sent & wished me to go & speak with him- I would not go- as he is but an indifferent hand."

He also thought that Kirkness might be being used as a spy for the NWC.

April 8 1811
" I spoke to Andrew Kirknefs & told him that at the time of Embarkation I would satisfy him whether or not he would be allowed to re-enter our Service- he is heartily tired of the Candians Employ."

May 4 1811
" Last night 2 Shots & this night 5 Shots were fired at the Canadian House at between 9 & 10 OClock at Night. There is an Indian there in a dying state & this done by his Friend who attends him to keep away the Mefsenger of Death- according to their wonted custom."

May 5 1811
" The ailing Jepowyan nearly dead & this morning by his own request they hawled him about 1 Mile off to Die."

May 23 1811
" Sent word by Andrew Flett to tell Andrew Kirknefs that I would write to Mr. Campbell to allow him & his woman to return to us- principally as he can be a good evidence to many of the Canadians rascally actions to us here this winter."

May 25 1811
" Andrew Kirknefs told one of our Men last night that Mr. Campbell would not part with him and Mr. Black told him that if he offered to go to us they would make every Canadian in their House ravish his woman before his Eyes."

May 26 1811 Sunday
" In the Evening Cartier brot over a note from Mr. Campbell, saying that he will not allow Andrew Kirknefs to come over to our House but at the Moment of our Embarkation for Churchill."

May 28 1811
" In the Evening Andrew Kirknefs came over here with his things- on Sunday Evening BEFORE Cartier brot me over Campbells note Mr. Campbell beat him very much and threatened to carry him down to Montreal in Irons- he was beaten That he had not been able to get out of Bed since till now, when he went & asked liberty to return to us, they were very much against his coming & used & threatened him very badly- They would not allow his Woman to accompany him"

May 30 1811
" Men busy splitting & drying fish to serve us for our Journey down."

June 2 1811
" We have 4 men constantly watching our Boats & Nets every night for fear of the Canadians doing them any Injury" ... " Last night 2 Canadians at Their Watch house here continually during the whole night kept shouting- hallowing- singing very Loud & beating on their windows with a Stick, which being Parchment makes a noise like a Drum."

June 3 1811
" Sent over a note to Mr. Campbell specifying some of the atrocious actions they had committed"..." sent it by Charley as every one of our men refused carrying it over thro fear of receiving a beating" ... " all the fish we have dryed is only 360- This with what Pemmican we have I hope will put us down to Nelson House- where we expect to receive a supply to serve us to the Factory" ... " a Canadian man told David Garson that if we remained a little while in sight of our House after we left it we should see it in flames."

June 4 1811
..." they hallowed, shouted very loud & sang Drumming on the Drum & Windows so hard as they durst venture from breaking- This they continued without ceasing till 2 OClock in the morning- but still some remained behind- During the night they threw sticks, Chips & stones against the sides & roof of our House- so that not a single person in it could get the least sleep"
... " at 8 AM we Embarked for Churchill"
..." before we went away swept out all our Houses very clean, extinguished the fires- shut the Doors & windows all in- & closed both Gates into the Yard & barred them."
... " when we had travelled about 4 hours we saw a large smoke ascending exactly in the Direction of our House"
... " Andrew Kirknefs woman ran towards our House yesterday to come to him but the Canadians ran after her & carried her back again- They have now given her to a Canadian."

July 3 1811
" we all arrived safe at Churchill Factory."


HBCA microfilm numbers:
Reel 1M63 Doc. Ref. No. B.89/a/2